The NRAO Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Radio Interferometer, Socorro, New Mexico

Listed below is a selection of my current consortia and working groups. Where possible links have been provided. I aim to keep this list up to date but this is not always possible and so if there is a particular project that interests you, please either check the (automatically updated) publications list or contact me directly.


(Updated: September 2018)


Consortia and Working Groups


AGES-XL (PI): VLA GHz survey of extragalactic sources in the XMM-LSS field


LOFAR nearby AGN key science project (LOFAR)


MeerKAT MIGHTEE survey and continuum working group (MeerKAT MIGHTEE)


ngVLA: the case for radio galaxy physics below 10 GHz (ngVLA)


e-MERLIN legacy project: resolving key questions in extragalactic jet physics (e-MERLIN)