A summary of my time in astronomy and current research interests
I currently hold the position of Vice Chancellor's research fellow at the University of Hertfordshire's Centre for Astrophysics Research (CAR) working on the physics of radio-loud active galaxies, spectral ageing models of synchrotron sources, and developing methods of big data analysis for upcoming and future radio surveys. I am also the developer of the Broadband Radio Astronomy Tools (BRATS) for the spectral analysis of radio sources and PI of the AGES-XL survey exploring the energetics, particle acceleration processes, and spectral age of the wider radio galaxy population. In addition, I am involved with various international collaborations including the LOFAR nearby AGN KSP, MeerKAT MIGHTEE survey, and the next generation VLA (ngVLA)
After graduating in 2010 with an honours degree in astrophysics and the Sir Patrick Moore prize for best final year project, I started on a PhD programme extending my work in to the properties of extragalactic radio sources. After initially working with X-ray observations, I moved to radio wavelengths; specifically, the new generation of broadband interferometers including the VLA, e-MERLIN and LOFAR. I obtained my PhD in 2014 with a thesis on the dynamics and energetics of radio-loud active galaxies. My time at Hertfordshire also involved working as a coordinator and visiting lecturer for undergraduate practicals at Bayfordbury observatory and as the observatory outreach coordinator and trainer.
After the submission of my PhD thesis, I undertook a interim position as a research associate at the University of Hertfordshire funded through the STFC STEP award working on the physics of radio-loud active galaxies with Prof. Martin Hardcastle. In September 2014 I then took up a position as a research fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) working on the physics of radio-loud active galaxies and the Radio-life ERC project with Prof. Raffaella Morganti exploring the final, remnant, phase of a radio galaxy's life cycle. I then returned to Hertfordshire in April 2018 to take up my current position.
Click here for a full research profile and publication list
Awards, Grants, and Professional Associations
Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society - 2008 to Present
Associate member of the Institute of Physics - 2008 to Present
LKBF travel grant - 2015, 2016
STFC Studentship Enhancement Programme (STEP) Award - 2014
Santander Research Scholarship - Research Grant - 2013
Science and Technology Facilities Council Studentship - 2011 to 2014
Sir Patrick Moore Prize - Best Final Year Project, 2010
Lecturing, Teaching and Administrative Experience
(Click here for a full lecturing, coordinator and supervisor profile)
Undergraduate Practical Lecturer / Supervisor - Univ. Hertfordshire / Bayfordbury observatory, 2011 to 2014
Postgraduate Outreach Trainer - Univ. Hertfordshire / Bayfordbury observatory, 2012 to 2014
Undergraduate Practical Coordinator - Univ. Hertfordshire / Bayfordbury observatory, 2012 to 2013
Observatory Outreach Coordinator - Univ. Hertfordshire / Bayfordbury observatory, 2012 to 2013
Outreach and Media Highlights (click here for a full outreach profile)
Founder of Ask an Astronomer UK - www.askanastronomer.co.uk
Transit of Venus (BBC Breakfast / World Service) - Observations / Radio interview
University of Hertfordshire Promotional Film - Promotional film highlighting observatory activities
Bayfordbury Observatory Group Visits - Astronomy activities, talks, planetarium shows and observatory tours
Bayfordbury Observatory Public Open Nights - Astronomy activities, talks, and Q&A sessions
Outreach for Pupils from Low Application Rate Backgrounds - Planetarium shows
Green Lanes School Careers Talk - Year 5 and 6 talks on careers in astronomy
Broadband Radio Astronomy Tools (BRATS)
Publication List
Projects and Consortia
Lecturing and Supervision
Outreach Profile
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Details
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