- Fixed an bug in the calculation of the spectral index errors when only 2 data frequencies are used.
- Improved the error handling of specchisquared
- Added further support for GLEAM headers
- Added an additional spectral index error calculation method
Summary of key features
BRATS is a software package for Linux and Mac which provides a variety of tools for the spectral analysis of both new broad-bandwidth radio data, along with legacy support for narrowband telescopes. Key features include:
Adaptive Regions - Automatic selection of regions based on user parameters (e.g. signal to noise).
Spectral Age Model Fitting - Fit models of spectral ageing on small spatial scales.
Injection Index Minimisation - Automatic determination of the best-fitting injection index.
Statistical Testing - Chi-squared testing, error maps, confidence levels and binning of model fits.
Spectral Index Mapping - Map spectral index as a function of position.
Image Reconstruction - Reconstruct sources at any frequency for a given model and parameter set.
Image Subtraction - Subtract any two FITS images and output residual maps.
Multi-frequency Image Combination - Easily combine and scale FITS images in the image plane.
Resize radio maps - Quickly and easily crop or expand FITS images.
For a full list of features, please refer to the BRATS cookbook.
Development is currently on-going, so if you require a feature which you feel would be well suited to the software or have any further questions, please do contact me either using the form below or by clicking here.
Obtaining and using BRATS
BRATS is available for download using the links on the right of this page (Linux | Mac). Details on changes and updates made in the latest version can be found here as well as in the updates.txt file located within the BRATS installation folder.
Installation instructions, a quick start tutorial and detailed usage information can be found in the BRATS cookbook. The data required for the tutorial can be obtained here.
Example Makefiles for a variety of setups can be downloaded under the 'Example Makefiles' section on the right of this page (Linux 1, Linux 2, Mac 1, Mac 2).
Help and support
Both the cookbook and the 'help' command provide the basic information on specific BRATS commands and should be the first port of call for any general usage problems. The updates page also provides a list of known issues. If you encounter a problem which is not covered, please feel free to contact me using the form below or by visiting the BRATS facebook group here and asking the community.
If it is beneficial to both parties, I am happy to collaborate on any projects you may have. This often provides the quickest option for getting data processed, especially for teams with limited spectral ageing analysis experience. This also has the added benefit that the software can be readily adapted to suit more complex projects.
BRATS Publications and Acknowledgements
If you have made use of this software please cite Harwood et al., 2013, MNRAS, 435, 3353 and Harwood et al., 2015, MNRAS, 454, 3403. If possible, also include a link to this website.
The original papers detailing BRATS can be obtained here (MNRAS) or here (arXiv), with more recent features detailed here (MNRAS) and here (arXiv). You can also download the BRATS poster from the 2013 NAM as a PDF here. Useful information and testing of some features against simulated data can also be found here.
BRATS is currently developed and maintained as part of a research fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON). It was originally developed at the University of Hertfordshire and supported by funding from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
If you have any questions about the software please contact me using the form below (this is to keep the spammers at bay!).
BRATS Version 2.6.3 (Linux) - Latest version for Linux
BRATS Version 2.6.3 (Mac) - Latest version for Mac
BRATS Cookbook - Cookbook and quick start tutorial (PDF)
Tutorial data - Data for use with the quick start tutorial
Previous versions - Legacy versions of BRATS
Update notes - Comprehensive list of updates for all versions
Version 2.5.0 and onwards
Makefile 1 (Linux)
Makefile 2 (Linux)
Makefile 1 (Mac)
Makefile 2 (Mac)
Versions prior to 2.5.0
Makefile 1 (Linux)
Makefile 2 (Linux)
Makefile 1 (Mac)
Makefile 2 (Mac)
Authors Website - Personal website of the author
Ask an Astronomer - Astronomy outreach website
AIPS - Radio data reduction software
CASA - Radio data reduction software
Numerical Recipes - The art of scientific computing
3CRR Database - Updated version of the 3CRR database
3CRR Atlas of DRAGNs - An Atlas of DRAGNs
JVLA Archive Search - NRAO VLA archive search
NRAO Website - Home page for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
e-MERLIN - The e-MERLIN national radio astronomy facility
LOFAR - Main low frequency array website
LOFAR UK - The UK website for LOFAR
Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics - Annual review of significant developments in astronomy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Journal of the Royal Astronomical society
Astrophysical Journal - Major astronomy journal of the USA
Astronomy and Astrophysics - The A&A journal web page
Astro-ph - Astronomy section of the arXiv pre-print database
NASA Astrophysics Data System - Research paper archive search
NASA Extragalactic Database - Data search of extragalactic sources
SIMBAD - Astronomical database
Astronomy Conferences List - Upcoming astronomy conferences